Find the right skills and experience your team needs to be successful
An uncoordinated range of recruitment practices across departments causes disruption to your business. Disjointed training and onboarding procedures ultimately leads to higher operational costs. Pantheon can provide your organization with faster time-to-hire while increasing the consistency of quality applicants to consolidate and unify your processes.
Outsourcing the recruitment function to Pantheon allows your business to mitigate risks with support from your recruitment partner. Pantheon can be responsible for efficiently adjusting resource levels to match your business activities, so you do not bear the burden of carrying unnecessary staff, or conversely, being short when greater resources are required.
With a database of over two million skilled professionals, we ensure that the people you need to drive your business forward are well within reach. From head-hunting, online application, resume sifting and initial interviews, all the way through reference checking, assessment and background checks - our dedicated, local, client service teams have the skills and tools to meet your demand.